擔任職位 新品開發部-開關設計工程師 Title Switch Design Engineer, New Product Development Dept工作描述 主要負責100A智能型塑殼式斷路器機械結構設計,新產品試制,故障解析,客戶服務等Work Description Mainly;急英文簡歷,有些地方不會翻譯,英文高手幫忙~~ 你的回答我已看到,我主要看你帖子掛了好多天,沒有滿意答復,所以征求下你的意見,現我已翻好,質量可以保證,請明鑒 1熟練運用UG軟體進行實體建模,并熟悉結構分析及運動分析模組可。
Oral English proficiency200502200507 Jiangxi Changli Automobile Spring Co, LtdIndustry Automotive Manufacturing Title Assistant Engineer internshipMain duties1, is responsible for automotive spring rolling;Translation work experience from the beginning, I was busy helping friends, ME Work experience 20056East 20062015 Xiangzhi Compaq computer and software industry, together with educational background 20019。
From July, 2006 to July, 2010 In precise mold development division assumption highquality mold project engineerIs engaged in HP, DELL, ACER, BENQ, expense electronic products mold developments and so on APP;Computer level in December 2006 an examination by computer Familiar with the Windows operating system and Office business software, Internet Internet, the basic operation Photoshop can use the effect of architect。
1、2提供光學系統設計,包括整體光路的結構選擇,模擬仿真,像差分析,優化和公差分析并協同機械電子工程師等一起討論后確定成本最優化設計,確定合理的安裝調試步驟Provide optical system designs, which includes the。
2、英文簡歷工業工程師 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER Sandy Lin 15F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1985Present LEYNER CORPORATION,Lake Charles,LA Industrial Engineer Provide floor support engineering in。
3、Work experience and training experience 200510 Suzhou Chehung has been the foundation Optoelectronics Technology Co, Ltd quality assurance engineer Job description and performance 1, the factory responsible for。
4、Name Li Ming Gender Male Race Han Birthplace Guangdong Date of Birth August 1980 Education Undergraduate Computeraided design and manufacturing CAD CAMContact Address Guangzhou City, Guangdong Provin。
5、我是一個合格的商務數量調查員土木工程師擁有優異的跟蹤管理大型基礎設施和樓宇建設記錄并提供技術管理的經驗 想尋求一個動態或活動組織內的技術管理崗位,用我積累的技能為實現公司有形或無形的組織目標做出貢獻。
1、大學英語六級個人自我評價 做事認真負責,勤奮好學,心思細膩,為人隨和,具有團隊精神求職意向 軟件工程師工作經驗 2007年至2010年,在中國農業銀行軟件開發中心工作主要從事對公業務相關模塊主機方面的開發與維護Working。
2、Basic skills English level General Mandarin level good Computer level familiar with AUTOCAD, PRO E, such as mapping software, information technology through the National Computer Application Technology of。
3、XX全棧工程師201306 至今 參與需求分析及實現方案設計設計數據庫表結構,實現后臺功能及web頁面展示產品線上部署及運維ay 配置管理工程師 201003 201303 負責公司產品性能測試,及線上數據分析 負責公司。
4、Name Sex Male Date of birth 19821031 National Chinese graduate schools the Hunan Institute of Technology Education Bachelor of Account Location Yueyang City, Hunan Province political landscape members。
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